Rakshanam Defence Preparatory Academy

+91 9421157000 , 8459487514 | Academy Location

Optional Residential Program

The Academy offers Residential as well as Non-Residential programs, implying that students will have the choice to stay at the Academy during their training, or attend classes only, without putting up at the Academy. It would be preferable to have the students in Residential programs so that they can take full benefit of the other important training provided including Physical Training and Personality Development/ Communicative English classes. However, students can choose not to stay residential and attend these activities separately in their own time. This option is open to students to facilitate outstation aspirants looking for residential programs as well as local students not looking at residential programs. Students who Apply/Register for the program will be provided a stay at RDPA Dormitories/ Rooms including Meals/ Refreshments. Separate arrangements for male and female aspirants are available.

Copyrights : Rakshanam Defence Preparatory Academy